Values and sense of symbolic immortality among non-religious adolescents in Poland
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Submission date: 2014-08-17
Final revision date: 2014-10-04
Acceptance date: 2014-10-06
Online publication date: 2014-10-23
Publication date: 2014-10-23
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(3):171-176
The aim of the study was to determine the values (Schwartz’s ten basic values) and sense of symbolic immortality among non-religious adolescents.

Participants and procedure
Participants were recruited from secondary schools in Gdansk and Gdynia.

The results showed that non-religious adolescents achieved higher results in the natural mode, and lower in biological-creative and religious modes. They also scored higher on universalism and self-direction subscales of Schwartz’s ten basic values. The results are discussed in the light of humanistic personal ideology and terror management theory.

The cultural worldview that protects non-religious adolescents against death anxiety seems to be more rooted in humanistic and individualistic values.
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