Personal identity among adolescents from transnational families
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Online publication date: 2014-05-31
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(1):30-37
Parents’ labour migration generates new types of families – transnational family, where one parent or both parents migrate and leave their children behind. Separation with parents could influence the child’s psychosocial functioning. The aim of this study was to analyse the situation of adolescents who experience separation from their parent/parents caused by labour migration, especially how temporary absence of the parent is associated with the adolescents’ personal identity.
Participants and procedure
Participants were 99 high school youth from transnational families and 76 from non-transnational families who were asked to fill out the following measures: Identity Development Scale (U-GIDS) (Meeus, 1996; Rostowski, 1997), the in­terview questionnaire to collect information about parents’ migration.
The migration factor differentiates: occurrence of personal identity statuses – in the area of interpersonal relationships (with parents and peers) and school.
Separation from a parent caused by labour migration is linked to occurrence of personal identity statuses.
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