The role of self-assessment and emotions in designation of an aggressive strategy of coping with a social conflict situation by gymnasium school students
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Online publication date: 2014-05-31
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(1):17-29
Background, participants and procedure
This research is aimed at evaluation of the role of self-assessment and emotions in designation of an aggressive strategy of coping with a social conflict situation by gymnasium school students. It uses a questionnaire to study strategies adopted by youth to cope with a social conflict situation (KSMK), Self-Esteem Scale (SES) and a Three-Factor Personality States and Traits Inventory (TISCO) questionnaire. The empirical study was conducted in gymnasium schools in Wrocław and neighbouring localities. It included 811 adolescents (414 girls and 397 boys) aged 13-15.
Results and conclusions
Based on the analysis of the collected research material, it is concluded that low assessment of teenagers’ own capacity plays a role in choosing an aggressive strategy to cope with a social conflict situation. Participation of adolescents in a situation of a threat to accomplishment of their own objectives intensifies negative emotions. Research results confirm that aggression is a form of dealing with anger and fear felt in a social conflict situation.
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