Pathways to positivity from perceived stress in adolescents: multiple mediation of emotion regulation and coping strategies
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Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, Turkey
Submission date: 2017-01-29
Final revision date: 2017-03-24
Acceptance date: 2017-03-25
Online publication date: 2017-05-24
Publication date: 2017-12-01
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2017;5(4):272-284
The current study aimed to examine the multiple mediation of emotion regulation and coping strategies in the relationship between perceived stress and positivity in adolescents.

Participants and procedure
Participants included 312 adolescents attending high schools. 162 of the participants were female and 150 were male, with an average age of 16.26, SD = 1.21. Data collection was conducted with the Perceived Stress Scale, the Emotion Regulation Scale for Adolescents, the Coping Scale for Children and Youth, and the Positivity Scale. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, regression based on ordinary least squares, and the bootstrap method were used to analyze the research data.

The research findings indicated that internal dysfunctional emotion regulation, assistance seeking, problem solving, and behavioral avoidance mediated the relationship between perceived stress and positivity.

In conclusion, internal dysfunctional emotion regulation, seeking assistance, problem solving, and behavioral avoidance were found to mediate the relationship between adolescents’ perceived stress and positivity. Thus, preparing individual and group psychological counseling as well as emotion regulation and coping-oriented psycho-educational programs for adolescents to regulate negative emotions and to cope with stress may be important. The research findings were discussed and interpreted based on the relevant literature, and suggestions for relevant experts were included.
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