Personality disorders in DSM classifications
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Online publication date: 2014-02-23
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2013;1(1):1-10
In the article an overview of history of personality disorders’ diagnostic criteria has been presented since the publication of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1952 up to the fifth edition published in 2013. Describing the beginnings of the classification in psychology, theses of a German philosopher and psychologist William Stern (1871-1938), the founder of psychology of individual differences have been examined, as he defined ‘type’ as a dominating psychological or psychophysiological predisposition. Changes in typologies in subsequent editions of DSM were aimed at increased accuracy of description of differentiated personality disorders’ types. The goal of such descriptions was to increase the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of individuals displaying in various domains of life repeated perceptional and behavioral patterns. Since the first edition of DSM the categorical perspective has been emphasized, which in the present edition has been replaced by the dimensional – categorical model, defined as a hybrid one. This change has already led to various controversies and discussions, and therefore requires further research.
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