Multidimensional versus unidimensional models of emotional contagion: the Emotional Contagion Scale in a Polish sample
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Submission date: 2014-03-19
Acceptance date: 2014-11-07
Online publication date: 2014-07-31
Publication date: 2014-06-01
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(2):81-91
The Emotional Contagion Scale (ECS) measures individual differences in susceptibility to catching emotions expressed by others. Although initially the scale was reported to have a unidimensional structure, recent validation studies have suggested that the concept of emotional contagion is multidimensional. The aim of the study was therefore to test whether the structure of the ECS in a Polish sample corresponds with that observed for other non-English speaking populations.
Participants and procedure
The scale, translated into Polish, was completed by 633 university students in four independent samples. To investigate the factor structure of the ECS, confirmatory factor analyses of five alternative models were conducted.
The results supported a multifaceted solution, which confirmed that susceptibility to emotional contagion may be differentiated not only across positive vs. negative states but also across discrete emotions. Moreover, the verification of internal consistency, test-retest reliability and construct validity of the Polish version indicated that its parameters are acceptable and comparable with the characteristics of other adaptations.
The Polish ECS, together with other adaptations of the scale, shows that the construct developed in the United States can be successfully measured in other cultural contexts. Thus, the Polish version can be treated as a useful tool for measuring individual differences in susceptibility to emotional contagion.
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