The motivational function of an objective in physical activity and sport
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Submission date: 2017-04-02
Final revision date: 2017-05-14
Acceptance date: 2017-08-21
Online publication date: 2017-12-14
Publication date: 2018-02-01
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2018;6(1):57-66
As a conscious activity of an individual, physical activity (PA) constitutes an element of the free-time dimension. The type of goal allows us to distinguish between sport and PA: sport performance vs. psychophysical health. Drawing on the theory of the motivational function of an objective, this study examined the motivational function of an objective in physical activity and sport.

Participants and procedures
The sample consisted of 2141 individuals: 1163 women aged 16-64 years (M = 23.90, SD = 8.30) and 978 men aged 16-66 years (M = 24.50, SD = 9.40) who completed the Inventory of Physical Activity Objectives (IPAO), which includes the following scales: 1) motivational value, 2) time management, 3) persistence in action, and 4) motivational conflict. There are also questions that allow one to control for variables such as the variety of forms, duration, and frequency of PA, and socio-demographic variables.

Males presented different motives of physical activity than females. Motives related to shapely body and health were more important for females. The most important motives for males were physical fitness and shapely body. The gender of participants moderates the motivational value of the specific objectives of physical activity and persistence in action.

With knowledge about the purposefulness of actions, it is possible to support and shape additional motivation experienced by an individual, by setting new, realistic objectives.
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