Psychopathology of family violence perpetrators: the personality categorization of perpetrators
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Online publication date: 2014-07-31
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(2):103-117
This research explores the psychopathology of family violence perpetrators. In particular, we examine whether it is possible to differentiate between various types of domestic violence offenders based on a profile of personality factors and temperament traits.

Participants and procedure
Males convicted of domestic violence were recruited by psychologists via a center dedicated to supporting courts through psychological diagnoses of family violence offenders. Those who agreed to participate in the study were administered questionnaires and interviewed (N = 325).

After data were collected, cluster analysis was performed on various factors related to psychopathology to determine whether any natural groupings exist. Four distinct subgroups emerged. The subgroups were subsequently analyzed for differences in personality factors and temperament traits.

The findings indicate that men who perpetrate domestic violence are not a homogeneous group; they are heterogeneous in nature. Violence perpetrator classifications are described and a discussion follows, along with implications for treatment and recommendations for future research.
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