Personality of correction officers and their attitudes towards resocialization tasks
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Online publication date: 2014-07-31
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2014;2(2):118-132
The main aim of the study is to identify factors that promote or hinder the fulfilment of tasks by people working in Polish prisons in positions of educators. Correction officers plan, organize and implement corrective actions towards persons deprived of their freedom. The question whether they have the relevant skills and abilities to use existing resources is important from the point of view of the prison rehabilitation tasks. The results of a survey conducted on 97 officers have shown that they have personality and professional competence, but they do not fully apply its potential in working with persons deprived of their freedom. The correction officers do not accept regulations for the treatment of convicts and evaluate these regulations as too mild. On the other hand, they perceive many external factors as reducing the motivation to engage in the process of resocialization.
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