Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCCS)
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Submission date: 2018-01-24
Final revision date: 2018-04-10
Acceptance date: 2018-05-07
Online publication date: 2018-07-05
Publication date: 2018-09-01
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2018;6(3):181-187
Self-concept clarity is one of the features describing the structural aspect of the self. It refers to the extent to which the contents of an individual’s self-concept are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and temporally stable. The aim of the study was to translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCCS).

Participants and procedure:
A total of 2507 graduates and undergraduates participated in the study. Their ages ranged from 18 to 70 years (M = 24.74, SD = 23.00); 66% of them were female. The Polish version of the SCCS was developed using the back-translation method. The SCCS was administered along with measures of sense of self (Sense of Self Scale), self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale), psychological distress (Goldberg General Health Questionnaire), personality (NEO-Five Factor Inventory), and social desirability (Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale).

The factor structure, reliability, and validity of the scale was investigated. Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed a one-factor solution. Internal reliability and test–retest reliability was high. Significant relations between SCCS and weak sense of self, self-esteem, psychological distress, personality, and social desirability supported its convergent validity.

This study demonstrated that the Polish version of the SCCS is a reliable and valid self-report measure for the self-concept clarity.
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