Emotional health: on the applicability of affective science to the integration of clinical psychology
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University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland
Submission date: 2017-03-24
Final revision date: 2017-07-03
Acceptance date: 2017-07-08
Online publication date: 2017-09-22
Publication date: 2017-09-22
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2017;5(3):172-182
The aim of the article is to outline the concept of emotional health and its integrative potential in the field of clinical psychology. It is a well-known fact that the transdiagnostic approach and psychotherapy integration – the two most influential integrative movements in clinical psychology – search for a sound conceptual foundation of the efforts to organize a plethora of theories and data relating to the psychological aspects of physical and mental health. Following a short presentation of general discrepancies afflicting clinical psychology and the main ideas of both the transdiagnostic approach and psychotherapy integration, the notion of emotional health is introduced and its unifying convenience, as well as limitations, is discussed.
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