Psychological effects of abuse in female victims of domestic violence – a short report on Polish studies
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Online publication date: 2014-02-23
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2013;1(1):39-42
Violence against women comprises a very important and increasingly researched subject of violence studies. The interest in the subject has led to a vast number of important studies (cf. DeKeseredy & Schwartz, 2001).

Participants and procedure
The studies were performed on 90 women, including 30 suffering sexual abuse, 30 – physical abuse and 30 – emotional abuse.

We found that despite the greatest need for support among the group of women suffering sexual abuse, they are the ones who perceive the lowest available support and are the least likely to seek it. Victims of physical abuse experience the great­est health consequences visible to society and as a result they are the most supported group.

Victims of sexual abuse may use various psychological strategies to cope with their situation, which is difficult to discuss openly. Such results might be helpful in implementing social programmes directed at supporting victims of sexual abuse.
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