Exploring revenge as a mediator between bullying and victimisation in gifted and talented students
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Submission date: 2017-01-24
Final revision date: 2017-08-06
Acceptance date: 2017-08-21
Online publication date: 2017-12-15
Publication date: 2018-04-18
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2018;6(2):102-111
Gifted children are marked by their unique personal, emotional, and social needs and characteristics as well as their superior abilities. In this context, the aim of study was to explore the relationship between bullying, victimisation, and revenge in gifted students and explain whether or how they are effected by intellectual functioning and gender.

Participants and procedure:
Data was obtained from 318 (159 gifted, 159 non-gifted) volunteer secondary school students in Turkey. The Peer Bullying Scale Child Form and Vengeance Scale (VS) were used for data collection. While the data was being analysed, Pearson product moment correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were used because the data provided the criteria for parametric tests.

Research findings point out that there is a difference statistically between gifted and non-gifted students’ peer bullying, victimisation, and revenge levels. Moreover, revenge was related positively to bullying victims in all students. Mediator revenge partially explains the relationship between victimisation and bullying. On the other hand, findings have shown that victim gifted children have higher revenge levels than do normal peers.

Bullying is highly connected with retaliation in the study of which children’s opinions on effective strategies to cope with bullying are investigated; taking revenge is accepted as the best way to deal with bullying. Students who bully, their victims, and bystanders are all affected. Bullies can stress all of the people around them, creating a climate of fear and intimidation not only in their victims but also in their fellow students.
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